Guitar hero 3 pc download not recognizing controller
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User Info: mithos User Info: rudeboy Come on people! User Info: vincent5. Currently fighting the forces of ignorance. How to play co-op with keyboard and USB joypad controller?
Tech Support 1 Answer How to do play demo on pc? Tech Support 1 Answer i've install the gh3 on pc So my guitar won't work in game. Instead I saw many forums where people had the same problem as me and were complaining that drivers weren't available in any way. I tried every answer I saw but nothing worked that included manipulating stuff in the device manager, installing this , and even rebooting the computer, reinstall the game and other BS.
My computer won't recognize my guitar. I think Microsoft just deleted these drivers from Windows Update, at least for Windows 7, because a friend with Windows 8 instantly installs the right driver when he plugs the guitar in, and everything works perfectly fine we tested this with the same guitar and the same game.
I heard about JoyToKey, which is supposed to "convert" controller button presses to keystrokes on a keyboard, but it doesn't work as my controller isn't recognized and doesn't appear in the device list. Sign up to join this community.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Controller drivers won't install on Windows 7 Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 2 months ago. Active 7 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 5k times. Does anyone have ideas? Improve this question. When you plug the controller in to your PC, does it appear in the Game Controllers list?
No, it doesn't. EDIT: The only place where it does appear is the device manager, under the "Other devices" section not sure about the exact titles, my Windows is french. You may want to test it with another PC maybe your friend's Windows 8 machine or with an Xbox to see if the controller itself is working. I believe those controllers are supposed to be plug-and-play with both Xbox and Windows machines. Yes, we already tested the very same controller on his Windows 8 computer.
And I think it worked on his computer because Windows 8 was able to get drivers from Windows update, and Windows 7 can't seem to do that.