Kodi not downloading android box

Hello, the problem i have is when i play a film,TV series etc after secs i get returned to Kodi,the only way to eventually get it too function is to go into Settings-Apps-Kodi,then delete Cache,here it is alway I then go into Kodi and it works,though if i go back and repeat the steps as above it will have returned to Thank You. Hi there, this seems to be quite a common issue! Some people have reported that changing their audio output device and disabling DXVA2 fixed the problem.

You might also want to try disabling hardware acceleration just in case. Ian thank you i will try a factory reset,,i only run 3 addons and this problem occurred before i got them. Many Thanks for you help. I looked for OJ: Made in America. No subtitles found. I looked for One Bad Choice. Frustrated, I looked for Harry Potter. Now I know something is wrong. When I do a manual search, no results. I have installed and configured OpenSubtitles. I logged into the site and then entered my credentials in the player.

I set my language to English. The quickest and easiest solution is to completely reinstall a fresh version of Kodi. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? I am finding this everytime I try to follow instructions to do something the instructions and what is showing on the screen are different.

Hopefully this will resolve the problem but if not, a clean reinstall might be the easiest way to get back on track. Ninety percent of links will not load, and s buffer, stutter and crash, although s loaded and played fine in the past.

Tried upgrading Kodi to Leia. Hardware acceleration is off; updates are current. No hardware changes. Network speed shows as excellent on Firestick. Hey Stewart were you able to fix problem with add-on taking you back to home screen? I am having the same problem, every time I scroll down to add-ones on my firestick it freezes for like 2 sec.

I have cleared my cache several times but still hasnt resolved the issue. I am using Krypton Hi Stewart, are you using a build by any chance? Hi Lauri, there are a couple of things we can do that might fix this issue. Now try using Kodi again — with a bit of luck, the problem will be gone. Hi Annie, can you try playing video on a few official addons? I tried to uninstall and reinstall Kodi as well as exodus and still no luck.. Perhaps it needs updating or has been taken offline. Also have a 16 GB SD card in the unit shows About a week ago, the box booted up just fine.

Selected to include add-ons. Everything went fine and Kodi started. Went to Exodus and it seemed to hang up. When nothing happened after that, I clicked the Home buton on the remote. When the home screen did not load, I clicked the Off button on the remote. Waited about 5 minutes and tried again.

This time, XBMC box booted fine. I figured this was to indicated the box was connected to an communicating via the internet. Now, I only see that blue light flicker for about 2 seconds and only when I first turn on the box. The ethernet icon is gone. I have to reboot the box to get it connected back to the internet. It appeared to download but I cannot find it anywhere to install it.

Is my box shot? Do I need a newer one with a more up to date version of Android. Should I download and reinstall Kodi? Really hoping you might have some idea of what I can do. Thanks so much for your time. Hi Gene, thanks for including a step-by-step explanation of what went wrong — it really helps! My apologies for not getting some sort of reply back to you sooner. And I thank you for your comments.

I also wanted to let you know where I was at now and get your thoughts. So instead of doing that, I just kept trying to get it to start. After the status bar made it across the screen, the screen would go black for a few seconds and then display the main menu. After the status bar mad it across the screen, the screen went black and then the TVAddons screen display and then Kodi displayed.

After about 10 minutes, I tried to go into a menu but it seemed to be frozen, even though there was a marquee scrolling across the bottom. But only partially. What would you recommend? If Krypton, would you have a URL for a reliable source? So when I upgrade my Javis to another version, do I lose everything and have to reinstall all the different repositories and addons?

I should stop there before I wear out my welcome. Thank you again for your help. Any suggestions or recommendations are greatly appreciated! However, given that one of them is causing major issues and some appear to be broken , I think a fresh start might be best. The important thing is that you install new addons slowly, making sure each works before adding another.

This will allow you to install new addons directly instead of messing around with sources and repositories. Hope your Labor Day weekend was a good one. I got the XBMC box from a friend. During a visit, I noticed he was watching a movie that had just been released. I asked how he was doing that and he pointed to the box. I asked if he could get me one.

When I started the box for the first time, it brought up the main XBMC screen, I clicked the Kodi menu and the next thing on the screen was something called Merlin. So the box was working fine from to I vaguely remember seeing a message on the screen that the change was required and I had to accept it.

I think I may have deleted it due to having it constantly popup when using Kodi. You recommended doing any kind of upgrade to Krypton and instead suggested I remove my current Jarvis version and install the latest Leia version. I deleted about 25 and must have picked a good one because after shutting Kodi down, upon clicking the Kodi icon from the man menu, it started right up. This time it went right to the TVAddons screen.

And all the addons I had deleted were still deleted! And the scrolling marquee message changed from a message to August !!

For movies, none of the addons provided any streams. Before doing that a question. Can my current version of Kodi Jarvis 16 be updated to the newest version Leia On the kodi.

How can I identify which version I should download to my box? Or does Leia come with addons already installed? Sorry for the long reply. Was really hoping to get this fixed without the deleting process. But need to move forward. Thank you so much for your patience and time with me. It is greatly appreciated. If everything works as intended, you can just uninstall Jarvis afterward anyway.

I have been using Kodi for a few years now. I have just upgraded to In the past, I would always use Ares Wizard to make a complete back up for my firestick. Save the zip file from using ES File Explorer to the cloud and then copy the zip file to all of the firesticks in my home. I learn that Ares Wizard will no longer allow you to back up your configuration once you install kodi 18 and higher.

Ares Wizard will not allow you to select a destination folder path. Once you select the destination path and select ok, it will revert back to no location selected. Any recommendations on a backup solution similar to Ares Wizard? Or another way I can easily back up my configuration on one firestick and transfer it to another firestick? You should be able to transfer the files to and from your PC in exactly the same way as before.

Hopefully this should fix the issue. Ok, no problem. Hi Ian, I have the same problem with Kodi The only other posts I can find with the same problem all relate to low-powered devices like Fire Sticks or Raspberry Pis.

Are your graphics drivers up to date? Also, did you reboot Kodi after turning off hardware acceleration? If not, great, but if it affects both versions, the issue is likely your hardware. Hi, so i have Kodi I also cant update to Hi Lee-Anne, does this happen with every addon you use? Then, in Kodi, check the settings to see if hardware acceleration is enabled. If so, turning it off might fix the problem. Dear Ian, I have tried so many times to find the answer and can not find the answer and anyone to help me.

I have a Kodi It is a little small black box…on the Home screen I click on the Kodi. It worked find when I purchased it and installed it. I used it for about a year…then changed televisions and did not reconnect. Not until today March 30, did I reconnect it to my T.

Everything comes up fine. I am connected to the internet and when I click on Kodi…it will open up just fine. HOWEVER, when I go Videos and click on a anything such as a movie channel it goes to a screen where it list several items, I click on any one of them and then the screen comes up with nothing listed on it..

An error.. Pls help! Hi Susan, this is actually quite a common issue. Can you try installing some addons from the official Kodi repository and see if they have the same problem? I am a natural troubleshooter and know my way around pretty well with KODI as I have used it since before the name change…..

I have a 10GB cable connection all devices currently are wifi connected on the 5g through our tplink c router with no problems on My Husband uses yoda for just about everything and is his goto and only knows how to turn it on and watch what he wants. I am the HoneyFixer. Most of the time on the Mi-3 it is while watching something…. I used to have Real-Debrid service and never had issues with throddling but since our ISP upgraded I stopped using it because i no longer have buffering issues Well thats most of my history I think…..

I realize, just by my own research, the mountains of people out there who are simply clueless that there will be someone out there that has already solved your stupid irritating tech problem and your just too lazy or busy to spend hours finding the solution…..

Have a blessed day and I hope this at least made you smile for a minute too. Vickie grandma down in Texas. I think the reason Windows Defender is detecting viruses is because some addons include code that effectively allows the creator to use your computer to mine cryptocurrencies.

Hopefully your logs will contain some clues that point us in the right direction. Thanks very much, Ian. Ian, You seem to be the most knowledgeable and I am hoping you can help. The problem started when Kodi updated from I have a Matricom Q 3 box.

I uninstalled Kodi and reinstalled Kodi from the play store. I also went to Kodi and cleared Data. I only have one addon— yoda which came from the supremacy repository.

I only have the supremacy repository and the Kodi Add-on repository. All this is probably pretty simple to you, but not to me. I watch TV shows. I close kodi — exit kodi. Every second tv show, I do all of the above Plus I go to apps and clear the kodi cache.

Never hit clear data— did that once and had to start all over. I have uninstalled Kodi and reinstalled Kodi 4 times. Got rid of everything except Yoda. No maintenance program addons— nothing.

No log viewer no ares maintenance— I loved that app. Hopefully, everything should work properly now. You might still be able to install it if you have a PC running Windows 10, though: the Microsoft store should give you the option to install Kodi directly on your Xbox.

Just updated from Does this happen with locally-stored files too, or just when streaming? This is a question for Ian. I use an android box for kodi. Everything was working great until last week. I noticed that the box ungraded a new kodi version. Now, although there is still plenty of streams from Exodus, nothing is working. Any advice. It may also be worthwhile reinstalling the addon entirely just in case. Internet is working through the box as I have confirmed that much.

Hi Nazim — do you mean that the video keeps playing even when paused or that you want Kodi to buffer the video when paused? How fast are your internet speeds? Also, are you using Kodi on a PC? Everything is working fine but whenever i try to install any build that works for other people , the build downloads but when the files are being copied after downloading, kodi simply crashes and the box restarts.

When i open kodi then, nothing has changed. Can i never install a build? Hi Ian, thank you for helping everyone! When I go back to click on the following episode the link tries to open but it stops. If I restart Kodi that link will open no problem but only once again…. I turned off antivirus, VPN, nothing changes. Hey Sammie, this is a really strange issue. It might be your build unlikely, as you said , a corrupted file somewhere, or perhaps even that Kodi is dropping connection every now and then.

There are a few things we can try: 1. The next time this happens, open the log viewer, paste the results into pastebin. See if you can watch multiple episodes of shorter shows — this will let us know if, for instance, Kodi loses internet access after a specific amount of time.

Run Kodi in administrator mode — might not help but you never know. Ethernet connection…. I have a digixstream box and it quit receiving my wifi signal.

About two weeks before it quit when I was clearing cashe there was a message that I was not connected to the internet and to check my wifi. I ignored it because I was able to access and watch the movies.

Now I got nothing. Hi Jeri, what happens when you try to connect to wifi now? Does it just not connect or can you not see any available networks? I have a question I been using incursion and it stopped working so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it then it was giving me a message saying it s not connecting to repository when I would do install from repository after installing from zip, so I cleared all my add-ons off my Kodi box raspberry pi v There has been a recent Amazon Fire software update that seems to have broken video player options: such as skip, Fast-forward, and bookmark resume.

If attempting to use some of these options the player will freeze and home is the only way to get a response. This is affecting multiple players. I have attempted a refresh or Is this a known is? Hi David, that certainly sounds like a strange issue. Hi, i just installed Kodi on my Xbox One S. The app runs, I can index media off an NFS share but nothing will play. Any suggestions? Every time I switch Kodi back on it says preparing for first run.

Any suggestions on what I should try to do? Hi Nomi. Hi, I have a problem with getting the source to play. I have a Trakt Account and can find all my collection.

However, when I ask for sources to playback, it find lots but when I choose one it tries to get the source, then it spends then next few minutes going through all of the sources after the one I chose and never playing one. I would be grateful if you could help me sort this problem. I am currently using a durex build with some add ons like tv zion, cinema, terrarium, all are having same issue.

Can you advise on fixing the problem…thanks. If not, I can take a look at your debug log to see if that gives us any clues. Is this a known issue or isolated to just me for some reason? Please help! Hi Dan, roughly how many builds have you tried? Kodi builds are notoriously unreliable, which is part of the reason why we recommend avoiding them.

Sorry to piggyback on your comment but i couldnt find a way to comment myself. I have been having a problem with kodi for almost a week now. It opens up fine I click on an addon and the the circle just keeps spinning spinning and nothing happens. I even tried loading kodi 18 and still having the same issue.

Please help if you can. Hope this helps! Thanks Ian for the fast response. I found that the issue was the internet box I had to reset it a few times and got it going. Now onto a whole new issue I was watching a movie and then all of a sudden my firestick reset. When it came back on Kodi wouldnt load anymore. I tried reinstalling 18 and it just goes to the open page and then either goes black or just jumps me back to the home page.

Thanks for the speedy response! Could you talk me through how to send you my debug log? Thank you so much! Once you find it, you can either paste the contents into pastebin, or upload the whole file to Dropbox, Google Drive, or a similar service.

One thing, though: this is a public forum so make sure the link only provides access to this one file, not a folder or anything like that. Hi Dan, no problem! As far as I know, Exodus has been out of action for a while, although forks do pop up from time to time. Then, trigger the error: in this case, by playing a video.

Finally, grab the pastebin link and leave it in a reply for me. I installed the log viewer for kodi addon, I cannot open newer movies at all. Hi Ian, I have stumbled across your article in an attempt to solve an issue I am having with my Exodus and Exodus Redux addons on Kodi Hi Elisha, Exodus and its many newer variations go down or change address all the time. Hi Ian, I am brand new to Kodi, but I think installed and configured everything correctly. I can search and find the movies that I searched.

I can also save them to favorites and they show up in favorities. Here is the problem: when I hit play, nothing happens. I am running Kodi from a Fire TV stick thing. Hey Brooks, this could be happening for a number of reasons. Disclaimer: Because of its open-sourced nature, Kodi and its developers, the XBMC Foundation, have run into some trouble with many add-ons offering illegal, pirated, and torrented content.

A lot of illegal streaming services have been shutting down recently following increasing pressure from content providers and Kodi itself, but there are still a lot of approved add-ons to pick from. How you choose to use Kodi is entirely up to you. Neither Android Authority nor Kodi support piracy in any form, and bear no responsibility for what you decide to do with the contents of this article.

Depending on how you use Kodi, we do recommend considering a VPN , however. Problems with Kodi not working and how to fix them Some users have come across issues that result in Kodi not working as expected. How To By Ankit Banerjee. Problem 1 — Kodi crashes, freezes, or has strange bugs Users have sometimes found Kodi not working as expected.

Potential solutions: First, make sure that the apps are updated to the latest version. In the case of Windows, the app can be updated automatically if you install Kodi via the Windows Store. If not, you will have to manually download the installer from the Kodi download page here , where you will also find the installer for MacOS and an installation guide for Linux.

Hardware acceleration is one of the main reasons that cause problems with Kodi not working. Disabling it may be enough to fix any issues you are facing. Go to the Settings menu by clicking or tapping on the gear icon found in the menu on the left. Open Player Settings. You will see a gear icon at the bottom left with the word Basic or Standard next to it.

Toggle through the options and set it to Expert. Keep in mind that this disabling hardware acceleration fix for Kodi not working is mostly for issues with the Android app but may work on other platforms as well. You can also try clearing the cache and see if that fixes any issues. If you have an Android device, go to Settings — Apps and tap on Kodi. Tap on Storage and then tap on Clear Cache. However, useful and detailed guides are available online and a step-by-step rundown will be below.

This article will explain how to install Kodi on Android boxes, along with the best addons for Android Kodi boxes. Kodi is an open-source software media player from the Kodi Foundation.

It allows users to play videos, songs, podcasts, and other content stored on a device or streamed from the Internet. Kodi has become a buzzing topic recently because of the popularity of third-party addons that allow users to stream pirated content. However, the Kodi Foundation has taken a strong stand against copyright-infringing addons and has designed the app to block these addons unless the user specifically alters the settings to allow them.

There are also many addons that stream from official sources, including the ones recommended in this article. Warning: Kodi should only be used for content to which you have the legal right to access.

Neither the Kodi Foundation nor Comparitech advocates the use of Kodi for piracy. ISPs are often the biggest problem for Kodi users. Not only do they frequently throttle data connections for video streams, law changes now let some ISPs collect your browsing data. These actions expose Kodi users to significant privacy risks. Additionally, some sites you may be streaming from through Kodi employ geographic content blocking. This allows them to block connections from different countries or regions, limiting how much you can watch.

A VPN, or virtual private network, will help you bypass ISP monitoring and throttling, as well as get around geographic content blocks on different streaming sites. Not all VPNs are good for Kodi users. We recommend IPVanish for Kodi users. In our testing, we found it to be one of the fastest VPNs on the market. It also has a strict no-logs policy. Here you can learn how to install Ares Wizard for Kodi maintenance.

A: If there's nothing wrong with your network connection and bandwidth, and you're in no reason to be throttled by your Internet service provider, then Kodi buffering can very likely be boiled down to heavy cache. For smooth viewing enjoyment, learn how to clear Kodi cache in the simplest way, and this is also a possible fix to Failed to Install a Dependency Kodi issue. A: The original repository or media source of installed addons will get blocked or shut down - happens all the time.

To slim your Kodi, you should learn how to remove unnecessary and invalid addons. A: During the use of Kodi, we will inevitably run into a system crash or hardware failure and need to reinstall the system or Kodi. To avoid the loss of previously installed Kodi add-ons, customized settings and configuration, here's a great post for you to learn how to backup and restore Kodi.

A: There's a practical addon called Git Browser that was developed for that, learn how to install Git Browser on Kodi. A: Find Kodi default media player somewhat unsatisfactory? Learn from this guide on how to adopt an external media player for Kodi.

A: That error occurs all the time when we use Kodi. Kodi log file can be used to analyze and find the problem for experienced users; and can also be uploaded to the Kodi official forum for help as required for general users, so as to facilitate those people or experts to locate specific error information and offer the most practical and accurate solution.

On this page you'll learn how to check Kodi error log file on any device. Content Table:. Requirements for Android Boxes to Install Kodi. Method 1. Install Kodi from Google Play Store. Method 2. Method 3.


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