Respondus lockdown browser download amer
Step 3: Clicking the ". Click on this file to prompt the install process to begin. Step 4: The first window of Respondus Installer will ask you to "Continue" with the process of installation. Review this box and click Continue. Step 5: The next window informs you of the version that is to be installed as well as the general location. Review this and click Continue when you are ready to move on.
Step 6: This window displays the "License Agreement", please review this and click Continue which will prompt another window. Click Agree in this window to continue. Step 7: For this step, you must "Select a Destination" for the installation. If you have a Windows device, click Install Now. If having problems downloading to a Mac, use the Chrome browser to download. Step 3. Select Save File. Step 4. You will see Thank you for downloading LockDown Browser and the file name. Take note of the file name.
Step 5. Locate the file that was downloaded on your device. Double click the LockDownBrowser file to begin the installation. Step 6. Select your language, click Next.
Step 7. Accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next. Step 8. A list of quizzes in the course will be displayed. How do I install the Respondus Browser? Visit one of the following links to download the browser - The Respondus LockDown Browser is a software program, integrated in Canvas, that locks down the testing environment for students.
Some instructors use it to lock the browser and prevent students from visiting other web pages, print, etc. While taking a test. Installing the Respondus Lockdown Browser for Students The Respondus Lockdown Browser is a special web browser that 'locks' a user's computer while they are taking an online quiz or exam.