Chrome rest clientcrx file download
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. How to access added plugins in webdriver Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. Active 5 years, 7 months ago. Viewed times. Shanmuga Raj Shanmuga Raj 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Please look at the following stackoverflow.
Could you be more specific? This is internal plugin which we developed So far, any similar issues that other people have experienced seem to be slightly different i. I finally figured out what was going on here. The UI that was used to trigger the download was doing so through creating a temporary anchor tag see the second answer here: Download data url file.
When it was doing so, it had two different cases. In one case, if downloading multiple files, it would change the file extension to. In another case, if downloading a single file, it was still trying to append an extension, but the way the UI code was written, it was setting the extension to be an empty string.
So the end result is a period being added, but no extension after that. For example, if the file being downloaded was "test. Our environment has a document storage system that contains documents with the attributes DocumentName and ContentType. In some cases, the content type would return with spaces appended to the end of the string like "pdf ". In Internet Explorer the output would truncate the end of the string while Chrome would convert the extra spaces to underscores giving me this filename: "file.
I encountered the same problem. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Chrome on Windows adding trailing underscores to downloaded files?
Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Active 25 days ago. To choose what happens on startup, simply go to your Chrome Settings. To change these settings, go to Settings. Then click on Site Settings under Privacy and Security. Likewise, if you have changed the Chrome default theme, it will be restored after you reset the browser.
To change it back, go to Settings. Click on Themes under the Appearance section. Now, it is important to mention that a reset will not remove your browsing history, bookmarks, or saved passwords. Also, your downloaded files will not be deleted. As for the appearance settings, your font size and page zoom settings will remain the same.
Also, if you have opted to show or hide the bookmarks bar, the setting will be unchanged. However, other settings, such as accessibility, printer, and download location settings, will remain the same.
They are as follows:. This method is a faster way to reset your Chrome browser. It enables you to skip most of the steps in Method 1 and get to the Reset Settings box immediately. He has over 15 years of industry experience in IT and holds several technical certifications. Read Aseem's Full Bio. We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. Table of Contents. Subscribe on YouTube!
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