Codex supplement traitor legions pdf download
They aren't generally against the Imperium, either. Which is hilarious. I suppose we should start at the beginning? So, back in the day, Chaos introduced in the tome Slaves To Darkness, which was effectively an expansion to Rogue Trader. That's right, the original 40k didn't have Chaos, although it did have Warp Demons.
In the original Rogue Trader narrative, the Emperor was encased in the Golden Throne because he was thousands of years old and he needed life force from psykers in order to survive.
Once Slaves to Darkness and its sister book Lost and the Damned were introduced, it was revealed that there was this event called the Horus Heresy, and Horus was a primarch that rebelled and nearly killed the Emperor. Talk about a pretty hefty background update! Crunchwise, the CSM were just marines with some different wargear selection, as well as the ability to get Chaos mutations. The first, most important thing to remember is that Chaos was effectively a WHFB expy, so it included beastmen, daemons and renegades all rolled into one.
I want you to picture it, if you can, a codex wherein Chaos Lords had no stats under 5, daemons could be freely taken in any FO slot or the equivalent for 2nd Ed and everything, everything could push a loyalist's shit in. The CSM received a promotion in the fluff to primary antagonists after getting retconned into the reason as to why the Emperor ascended to the Golden Throne via Horus traitorous ways and that mortal wound.
Those were the days of 2nd edition; that's when Chaos was a unified front led by an interesting character on a 10, year quest for bloody vengeance. These were the days when a Bloodthirster would use an Avatar as a speedbump, and yet the only trump against CSM were the Eldar And to a lesser extent the Tyranids when they evolved beyond Genestealer cults.
Noise Marines, Thousand Sons, Khorne Berzerkers and Plague Marines all got their start here, and they started out as Troops or rather, their second ed equivalent. And guess what? You could field beasts, renegades and daemons in your army. It was also possible to give Chaos Marines equipment and vehicles that only their loyalist equivalents get nowadays including assault cannons, storm bolters, cyclone missile launchers, and various support vehicles , in order to accurately represent the equipment used by Renegades from later Foundings.
Yeah, it sounds fucking insane and the coolest thing ever, and it was. Arguably, things were a bit nascent because in spite of all the other extras, they were still very much just space marines with other armies rolled into it. They had the same stats and many of the same rules and wargear as their loyalist counterparts. Third edition started by screwing everyone: the rules were fucked up to try and shift the balance of power towards infantry and away from characters so sayeth GW, anyway.
Regardless, this is one of a few times that GW actually dialed back the power creep inherent in their game systems to such a degree that all existing armies got hosed worst of all, Eldar and CSM were no exception.
The Codex pumped out was a hackneyed shadow of its former self that needed constant reference checks to the main rules because all the rules for your stuff got printed there instead of your codex. This first release however brought about the much-loved Obliterators , Possessed and Raptors and GW did make rules for entire cult armies available for download on their website at the time, which was a thing GW used to do.
Halfway through its life-cycle, GW introduced Tau and Necrons , breaking the game with Fish of Fury and just simply existing, respectively. In the midst of this renewed cheese surge, the CSM got a second lease on life , cranking their competitiveness to second place behind the dreaded third ed 'crons. We're talking about a wargear sheet noticeably larger than any other faction, which also included the curious ability to make your aspiring champions psykers.
You could load up a squad with stacks of veteran skills, sneaking them into position, moving through cover and then finishing with a furious charge. That enemy crab thing gets its big introduction as a monstrous creature AND a walker! These were the days when you bought as opposed to rolled for the powers your Possessed had; where you could dedicate vehicles to the Gods, and that gave you certain options thus creating the Sonic Dreadnought You could take a Slaaneshi psyker and give him and his unit immunity from shooting attacks with a well rolled minor psychic power.
Best of all, these were the days of fielding Traitor Legions - ridiculously unbalanced lists that would either fall flat on their faces and cost way too much Thousand Sons or tear the fucking table in half Iron Warriors. Games Workshop tried valiantly to dial back the cheese by releasing Imperial Assassins, Daemonhunters and Witchhunters but once the Eye of Terror campaign hit and the official and also cheesy Lost and the Damned rules were out, third ed was firmly captoored by chaoz. That rat-bastard, pointy-eared fuck!
In 4th ed, Gav Thorpe raped Chaos and left her to die in a fucking gutter. Those broken-as-hell traitor legions lists? Instead of fixing them for players that liked the other legions, they were removed. Veteran skills? Lost and the Damned? More like "lost-a la vista," amirite. Worst of all, Thorpe figured they needed their own, super-shitty codex. CSM players were pissed at the "streamlining" their armies got, but they endured it because at the time there were a few nifty silver linings.
During this time, the Eldar got pumped from worse than last place to playable, Tyranids got an update that was fair as well, Fish of Fury got pulled from the Tau Codex and the loyalists got a decent buff in the 4th ed SM codices. Nothing spectacular, but everything felt fair; it felt like we could have fun with each other and save our bitter sniping for the rightly-deserving Necron players and their totes OP 3E rules.
For a brief period of time, the rules system was stable and there was hope that this trend might continue Views Downloads 91 File size 55MB. Upload a Thing! Customize a Thing. Download All Files. Select a Collection. Save to Collection. Tip Designer. Share this thing. Sign Up or Sign In. Powered by. Badges Report an Issue Terms of Service. Co-production practitioners network A network for co-production practitioners.
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It really adds a lot of flavour to some legions Night Lords, sons, for ex and is usually granting some powerful rules. Also, I have a different understanding of some rules and, therefore, the efficiency of the associated item.
Namely, the World Eaters' Berzerker's Glaive : it makes the bearer loose his Independent Character rule, that doesn't mean he has to join a squad, on the contrary, it essentially means that he CAN'T anymore! I wonder if he becomes a non-independant Character like a squad champion on his own or just some infantry one man unit regarding challenges in particular. Anyway, the point was to prevent him from joining a meat-shield squad who would provide safety until he is in charge range.
Instead he has to walk alone and expose himself to heavy weapons one-shot kills. That artifact shines on the hands of a daemon prince. He doesn't loose Independant Character since he never had it, and he doesn't care about the dual handed and specialist weapon rules since he already had just one weapon which is replaced by the glaive.